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Copper Wheel Glass Engraving

Copper wheel glass engraving is a highly skilled and intricate craft that has been practiced in Britain for centuries. This technique, which involves using a copper wheel to engrave delicate designs onto glass, has produced some of the finest examples of decorative glassware in the country’s history. However, the craft is now endangered, with only a few artisans remaining who possess the knowledge and skill to create these detailed works of art. Preserving copper wheel glass engraving is vital for keeping Britain’s artistic heritage alive, as it represents a fusion of craftsmanship, artistry, and history. By supporting this endangered craft, we ensure that future generations can continue to appreciate and carry forward this exceptional tradition of glass decoration.

Here is a list we compiled to be of assistance.  If you find any errors or omissions, please send us an email to:  Support@EndangeredBritish.com ~ thank you!

Heritage Craft: Copper Wheel Glass Engraving

Business Name Craftsperson Address-1 Suburb Postcode Country Website Email Phone
Luckenbooth Fine Arts Wilma Mackenzie Harbour Street Tarbert PA29 6UD Scotland https://www.luckenbooth.net/ 44 (0)1880 821234
Ainsley Francis Edinburgh Scotland https://ainsleyfrancis.com/ info@ainsleyfrancis.com 44 (0) 7583 087 105
Alison Kinnaird MBE Midlothian EH23 4SH Scotland https://www.alisonkinnaird.com/ alisonkinnaird@gmail.com 44 (0)1875 830 328
Denis Mann Wick Caithness Scotland https://www.denismann.com/
Junko Eager Glasgow Scotland http://junkoeager.co.uk/index.html junkoeager@yahoo.co.uk 07906 807840
Katharine Coleman MBE E15 Cockpit Bloomsbury, Cockpit Yard, Northington Street London WC1N 2NP England https://katharinecoleman.co.uk/ katharine@katharinecoleman.co.uk 44 (0)7976 812 660
Steven Piper 36 Eveson Road​, Norton Stourbridge DY83BP England https://www.sjpiper.com/ Tom-36@hotmail.co.uk 7557107539

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