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Coppersmithing (Objects)

Coppersmithing is an ancient craft that has played a significant role in Britain’s history, with skilled artisans creating a wide range of functional and decorative objects, from cookware to architectural details. The art of shaping and working copper by hand requires both precision and creativity, but this traditional skill is now endangered due to the rise of mass production and alternative materials. Preserving coppersmithing is crucial for keeping history alive, as it reflects centuries of craftsmanship and innovation in metalwork. By supporting the few remaining coppersmiths, we help ensure that this important craft and the knowledge behind it are passed down to future generations, safeguarding a valuable part of Britain’s cultural and industrial heritage.

Here is a list we compiled to be of assistance.  If you find any errors or omissions, please send us an email to:  Support@EndangeredBritish.com ~ thank you!

Heritage Craft: Coppersmithing (Objects)

Business Name Craftsperson Address-1 Address-2 Suburb Postcode Country Website Email Phone Notes
Copper Elf John Wills Sidegate Works, Finedon Road Unit 3 Wellingborough NN8 4BW England http://www.copperelf.co.uk/ john@copperelf.co.uk 07949 821518
The Copper Works Newlyn Michael Johnson Wesley Place Unit 8 Penzance TR18 5AZ England http://thecopperworksnewlyn.com/ enquiries@thecopperworksnewlyn.com 44 (0)7976 271781 Shelley Anderson
William Sugg & Co Alan Jordan 23 Blatchford Close Horsham RH13 5RG England https://www.williamsugg.co.uk/ sales@williamsugg.co.uk 44 (0)1293 540111
Siân Evans https://www.coppersmithing.co.uk/ sian@coppersmithing.co.uk

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