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Bow Making - Endangered British

Bow Making (Musical)

The craft of musical bow making, particularly for string instruments like violins, violas, and cellos, is a highly specialized tradition in Britain that dates back centuries. These artisans meticulously shape and balance each bow to ensure the finest quality of sound, making the bow an integral part of a musician’s performance. However, the art of bow making is now endangered due to the rise of mass production and the dwindling number of skilled bow makers. Preserving this craft is essential for maintaining Britain’s rich musical heritage. By supporting traditional bow makers, we ensure that future generations of musicians can continue to experience the unparalleled craftsmanship and artistry that handmade bows provide, keeping this important cultural skill alive.

Here is a list we compiled to be of assistance.  If you find any errors or omissions, please send us an email to:  Support@EndangeredBritish.com ~ thank you!

Heritage Craft: Bow Making (Musical)

Business Name Craftsperson Address-1 Address-2 Suburb Postcode Country Website Email Phone
Baker Bows Tim Baker 19 Sandfield Road Oxford OX3 7RN England https://www.bvma.org.uk/makersdirectory/tim-baker tim@bakerbows.co.uk 44 (0) 1865 761558
Brompton’s Auctioneers Limited Peter Oxley 33 Percy St. London W1T 2DF England https://www.bromptons.co/about/our-team/peter-oxley/ info@bromptons.co 0207 580 9550
The Bow Business Stephen Thomson Cockpit Arts, 18-22 Creekside Studio 309 London SE8 3DZ England https://www.thebowbusiness.com/ info@thebowbusiness.com 44 (0) 7752 287891
WE Hill & Sons Derek Wilson 36 New End Square London NW3 1LS England https://www.wehillandsons.com/ violins@wehillandsons.com
Andrew Bellis http://www.andrewbellis.com/ bows@andrewbellis.plus.com
Andrew McGill andrew@bowmakermcgill.co.uk 44 1295 750255
Christopher Halstead 70 John St Studio 10, Harland Works Sheffield S2 4QU England halsteadcj@yahoo.co.uk 44 7949 813 180
Howard Green 46 Ogilvy Street Tayport DD6 9NP Scotland https://howardgreenbowmaker.com/ info@howardgreenbowmaker.com 01382 553478
Richard Wilson Greenlawalls Lodge Berwick-upon-Tweed TD15 2PR England https://www.bowmaker.co.uk/ richardwilson.bowmaker@gmail.com 44 (0) 1890 820322

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