Heritage Craft: Hand Engraving
Business Name | Craftsperson | Address-1 | Address-2 | Suburb | Postcode | Country | Website | Phone | Notes | |
Annabel Hood Design | Annabel Hood | Edinburgh | Scotland | https://www.annabelhood.com/ | annabel.hood@mac.com | 07745 160 232 | ||||
Ashcroft Jewellery | Andrew Ashcroft | Fowler’s Yard | Studio 1 | Durham | DH1 3RA | England | https://www.ashcroftjewellery.com/ | andrew@ashcroftjewellery.com | 0191 383 0020 | |
Excel Jewellery | Harry Forster-Stringer | 5-7 St Peters Gate | Nottingham | NG1 2JF | England | https://www.exceljewellery.co.uk/ | harryforsterstringer@gmail.com | 07973 429 164 | ||
Fred Rich Enamel Design | Fred Rich | East Sussex | England | http://www.fredrichenameldesign.com/ | fredrichenamel@aol.com | (0)1323 871774 | ||||
Guill & Stephenson The Goldsmiths’ Centre | Duncan Baird-Murray | 42 Britton Street | London | EC1M 5AD | England | guillstephenson@aol.com | 020 7250 0651 | |||
Holland and Holland | Lucy Moseley | London | England | lucy.moseley@gmail.com | 07811 493 293 | |||||
James Todd Seal Engraving | James Todd | Slade Barns, Shiplate | Bleadon | BS24 0NY | England | https://www.jtengraving.com/ | info@jtengraving.com | 01934 815 491 | ||
Jenny Gartside Jewellery | Jenny Gartside | Buxton | England | https://jennygartside.com/ | jennygartsidejewellery@gmail.com | |||||
Jeweller Silversmith Engraver | Alan Craxford | https://www.alancraxford.com/ | alancraxford@freeuk.com | 0208 279 9208 | ||||||
JJ Bergin Ltd | David Bedford | Creek Creative, Abbey Street | Unit 4 | Faversham | ME13 7BE | England | https://www.jjbergin.co.uk/ | jjbergin@protonmail.com | 01795 538 674 | |
Malcolm Appleby MBE | Malcolm Appleby | Perthshire | Scotland | swapp@dircon.co.uk | 01887 840484 | |||||
Personalised Silver | Peter Mills | PO Box 129 | Leominster | HR6 6DL | England | https://personalisedsilver.co.uk/ | info@personalisedsilver.co.uk | 8448845374 | ||
Peter Rowland Silversmith | Peter Rowland | Northern Highlands | Scotland | https://www.prsilversmith.co.uk/ | 01862 810 312 | |||||
Rachel Emmerson Jewellery Design | Rachel Emmerson | Building 16 Cromford Mills, Mill Road | Cromford | DE4 3RQ | England | http://www.rachelemmerson.com/ | rachel@rachelemmerson.com | 07930 603 208 | ||
Rebus Signet Rings | 67-69 Leather Lane, Hatton Garden | London | EC1N 7TJ | England | https://rebussignetrings.co.uk/ | rachel.fb@rebussignetrings.co.uk | 20 7405 5188 | |||
Rodney J Rigby Ltd | Rodney Rigby | Horsemonden | England | https://www.rodneyjrigby.com/ | rodneyjrigby@gmail.com | (0) 1892 724951 | ||||
Sam James Engraving Ltd | Samantha Marsden and James Neville | 42 Britton Street | London | EC1M 5AD | England | https://www.samjamesltd.com/ | info@samjamesltd.com | 020 7253 0692 | ||
Anastasia Young | Birmingham | England | https://anastasiayoung.co.uk/ | mail@anastasiayoung.co.uk | ||||||
Angus McFadyen | Buxton | England | https://www.angusmcfadyen.uk/ | mail@angusm.co.uk | 01298 72253 | |||||
Anna Olafsson | Perth | Scotland | anna.olafsson@gmail.com | 07594 782 996 | ||||||
Clare Street | Hampshire | England | clare@seal-engraving.com | 01252 733232 | ||||||
Colin Mabey | Wallington | England | colin.handengraver@gmail.com | |||||||
James Dougall | Botyl Cottage, Botyl Road | Botolph Claydon | MK18 2LR | England | https://jamesdougall.com/ | silversmith.jd@gmail.com | 07786 176 118 | |||
Mark Phelps | West Midlands | England | mjphelpsengraving@blueyonder.co.uk | 0121 2433947 | ||||||
Megan Rigby | London | EC1N 7TJ | England | info@rebussignetrings.co.uk | 020 7405 5188 | Matthew Hart | ||||
Miriam Hanid | Suffolk | England | https://miriamhanid.com/ | enquiry@miriamhanid.com | 07737 406513 | |||||
Robert Porter | The Bluecoat School Lane | Liverpool | L1 3BX | England | porter.engravers@virgin.net | 0151 708 6330 | ||||
Sheila McDonald | East Harling | England | http://www.sheilamcdonaldjewellery.co.uk/ | sheilarmcd@btinternet.com | 01953 717 625 | |||||
Wayne Parrott | London | England | 020 8458 1731 |