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Hat Making

Heritage Craft: Hat Making

Business Name Craftsperson Address-1 Address-2 Suburb Postcode Country Website Email Phone
Christys Hats Witan Park, Avenue 2, Station Lane Unit 7 Witney OX28 4FH England https://www.christys-hats.com/ customer.service@christys-hats.com
DRH Pickering & Co 8 Frederick St Luton LU2 7QS England 44 1582 721017
Ken Peirson & Son 86 Old Bedford Road Luton LU2 7PD England https://kenpeirsonandson.co.uk/ 44 (0) 1582 725911
Lock & Co. Hatters 6 St James’s Street London SW1A 1EF England https://www.lockhatters.com/ shop@lockhatters.co.uk 44 20 7930 8874
Majesa Ltd Jenny Froehlich 32 Guildford Street Luton LU1 2NR England https://majesa.com/ mavi@majesa.com 44 (0)208 203 0044
Mister Miller Ltd. Tyler Miller London England https://www.mistermiller.co.uk/ w.w@mistermiller.co.uk 44 20 7427 6097
Snoxell & Gwyther The Block House, Clarendon Road Luton LU2 7PQ England https://www.snoxell.com/ sales@snoxell.com 44 (0) 1582 724 704
Stephen Jones Millinery Stephen Jones 36 Great Queen Street Covent Garden London WC2B 5AA England https://www.stephenjonesmillinery.com/ shop@stephenjonesmillinery.com 44 (0)20 7242 0770
The Crafty Beggars Rachel Frost http://www.thecraftybeggars.org/ thecraftybeggars@yahoo.co.uk 0785 4481479
The Panama Hat Company Ehioze 32 Guildford Street Luton LU1 2NR England https://panamahats.co.uk/ shop@panamahats.co.uk 44 (0) 208 203 0044
Try and Lilly 95 Kempston Street Liverpool L3 8HE England https://tryandlilly.co.uk/ sales@tryandlilly.co.uk 44 (0)151 207 2001
Walter Wright Ltd Philip Wright 29 Albion Road Luton LU2 0DS England https://hatsbyphilipwright.co.uk/ info@hatsbyphilipwright.co.uk
Whiteley Fischer Bramingham Business Park, Enterprise Way Luton LU3 4BU England http://whiteleyfischer.co.uk/ sales@whiteleyfischer.co.uk
44 1582 493393
Herbert Johnson 18-19 Burlington Arcade London W1J 0PN England https://herbertjohnson.co.uk/ enquiries-hj@herbert-johnson.co.uk
Nerida Fraiman London England https://www.neridafraiman.com/ Studio@NeridaFraiman.com 0796 9981 405
0208 458 0845
Philip Treacy 69 Elizabeth Street London SW1 W9PJ England https://www.philiptreacy.co.uk/en studio@philiptreacy.co.uk 44 2077 303992
Rachel Trevor Morgan 20 Crown Passage King Street, St James’s London SW1Y 6PP England https://racheltrevormorgan.com/ info@racheltrevormorgan.com 44 20 7839 8927
Vivien Sheriff Botleys Farm, Wick Lane Studio 10 Downton SP5 3NW England https://viviensheriff.co.uk/ info@viviensheriff.co.uk 01725 512983

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