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Woodwind Instrument Making

Woodwind instrument making in Britain is an ancient craft that has been passed down through generations, producing iconic instruments such as the flute, oboe, and clarinet. However, this traditional skill is now under threat due to mass production, reduced demand for handcrafted instruments, and the loss of skilled artisans. Preserving the craft of woodwind instrument making is essential for keeping this unique aspect of Britain’s musical heritage alive. By supporting these artisans, we ensure that future generations can appreciate the artistry, precision, and history behind each handmade instrument, while also safeguarding the cultural importance of British contributions to music and craftsmanship.

Here is a list we compiled to be of assistance.  If you find any errors or omissions, please send us an email to:  Support@EndangeredBritish.com ~ thank you!

Heritage Craft: Woodwind Instrument Making

Business Name Craftsperson Address-1 Suburb Postcode Country Website Email Phone
Cambridge Makers Daniel Bangham 6 Lintech Court Linton CB21 4XN England https://www.cambridgemakers.org/ information@cambridgewoodwindmakers.org 01223 080884
Fred Rose flutes and whistles Fred Rose https://www.fredrose.co.uk/ fredrose.whistles@ntlworld.com
Guy Cowley Clarinets Guy Cowley Nottingham England https://www.guycowley.com/ guycowley@yahoo.co.uk
Hanson Music North of England Centre for Music & Arts Standedge Visitor Centre West Yorkshire Marsden HD7 6NQ England https://www.hansonmusic.co.uk/ info@hansonmusic.co.uk
Howarth of London Adrian Upton 19 Buckingham Rd Worthing BN11 1TH England https://www.howarthlondon.com/ worthing@howarthlondon.com 01903 239 219
Mathew Dart Bassoons Mathew Dart 31 Bonnington Square London SW8 1TF England https://mathewdartbassoon.com/ 784 989 1584
Ormiston Flutes George Ormiston 2 Muirhouses Avenue Bo’ness EH51 9DJ Scotland http://www.ormistonflutes.co.uk/ george@ormistonflutes.co.uk (0)1506 829832
P.G.Bleazey Woodwinds Phil Bleazy At The Old Furness Street Stables Lancaster LA1 5QZ England http://www.bleazey.co.uk/ philbleazey@gamail.com (0)1524 84908
Peter Eaton Clarinets Peter Eaton Woodside Orestan Lane Surrey Effingham KT24 5SN England https://www.eatonclarinets.com/ peter@eatonclarinets.com 01372 452513
Peter Worrell Instruments Peter Worrell 28 Hall Lane, Norfolk Wacton NR15 2UH England http://www.peterworrell.co.uk/ peterworrell@live.co.uk 07801 644026
Pillinger London Edward Pillinger 5 Sitwell Grove Middlesex Stanmore HA7 3NB England https://pillingermouthpieces.co.uk/ (0)208 954 4058
Raven Flutes Chris Raven https://www.ravenflutes.co.uk/ chris.raven@gmail.com 07775 674013
Wilkes Flutes Chris Wilkes http://wilkesflutes.co.uk/
Carl Bell http://www.carlbell.co.uk/ info@carlbell.co.uk
Paul Windridge 95 Wanlip Rd Leicester LE7 1PB England https://www.paulwindridge.co.uk/ paulwindridge@yahoo.co.uk 07814 182633
Sophie Matthews https://sophiematthewsmusic.co.uk/ sophiebagpipes@gmail.com 7788 421685
Tony Millyard Lilac Cottage Litchborough Rd Northamptonshire Farthingstone NN12 8EY England http://tonymillyard.com/ tony.millyard@talk21.com (0)1327 361576 / (0)7710 878676

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