Heritage Craft: Woodwind Instrument Making
Business Name | Craftsperson | Address-1 | Suburb | Postcode | Country | Website | Phone | |
Cambridge Makers | Daniel Bangham | 6 Lintech Court | Linton | CB21 4XN | England | https://www.cambridgemakers.org/ | information@cambridgewoodwindmakers.org | 01223 080884 |
Fred Rose flutes and whistles | Fred Rose | https://www.fredrose.co.uk/ | fredrose.whistles@ntlworld.com | |||||
Guy Cowley Clarinets | Guy Cowley | Nottingham | England | https://www.guycowley.com/ | guycowley@yahoo.co.uk | |||
Hanson Music | North of England Centre for Music & Arts Standedge Visitor Centre West Yorkshire | Marsden | HD7 6NQ | England | https://www.hansonmusic.co.uk/ | info@hansonmusic.co.uk | ||
Howarth of London | Adrian Upton | 19 Buckingham Rd | Worthing | BN11 1TH | England | https://www.howarthlondon.com/ | worthing@howarthlondon.com | 01903 239 219 |
Mathew Dart Bassoons | Mathew Dart | 31 Bonnington Square | London | SW8 1TF | England | https://mathewdartbassoon.com/ | 784 989 1584 | |
Ormiston Flutes | George Ormiston | 2 Muirhouses Avenue | Bo’ness | EH51 9DJ | Scotland | http://www.ormistonflutes.co.uk/ | george@ormistonflutes.co.uk | (0)1506 829832 |
P.G.Bleazey Woodwinds | Phil Bleazy | At The Old Furness Street Stables | Lancaster | LA1 5QZ | England | http://www.bleazey.co.uk/ | philbleazey@gamail.com | (0)1524 84908 |
Peter Eaton Clarinets | Peter Eaton | Woodside Orestan Lane Surrey | Effingham | KT24 5SN | England | https://www.eatonclarinets.com/ | peter@eatonclarinets.com | 01372 452513 |
Peter Worrell Instruments | Peter Worrell | 28 Hall Lane, Norfolk | Wacton | NR15 2UH | England | http://www.peterworrell.co.uk/ | peterworrell@live.co.uk | 07801 644026 |
Pillinger London | Edward Pillinger | 5 Sitwell Grove Middlesex | Stanmore | HA7 3NB | England | https://pillingermouthpieces.co.uk/ | (0)208 954 4058 | |
Raven Flutes | Chris Raven | https://www.ravenflutes.co.uk/ | chris.raven@gmail.com | 07775 674013 | ||||
Wilkes Flutes | Chris Wilkes | http://wilkesflutes.co.uk/ | ||||||
Carl Bell | http://www.carlbell.co.uk/ | info@carlbell.co.uk | ||||||
Paul Windridge | 95 Wanlip Rd | Leicester | LE7 1PB | England | https://www.paulwindridge.co.uk/ | paulwindridge@yahoo.co.uk | 07814 182633 | |
Sophie Matthews | https://sophiematthewsmusic.co.uk/ | sophiebagpipes@gmail.com | 7788 421685 | |||||
Tony Millyard | Lilac Cottage Litchborough Rd Northamptonshire | Farthingstone | NN12 8EY | England | http://tonymillyard.com/ | tony.millyard@talk21.com | (0)1327 361576 / (0)7710 878676 |